
A Building for Reading

We wanted to create a building which recognises the history of the site, John Lewis’ history in Reading and is respectful of the nearby London Street Conservation Area. The design of the building responds to this rich heritage in a locally distinctive way, creating a building for Reading.

Architectural reference material
Aerial view of Mill Lane, looking west, 1932 (source: Historic England)

Architectural Character & Context

The images on the right highlight key architectural features that are found within close proximity to the site:

Context Character 1

Active frontages of large scale buildings

Context Character 2

Form and massing scaled to buildings along the A239

Context Character 3

White horizontal banding and cornice detailing
Grey and red brickwork detailing
Classical proportions and geometry
Stone and faux stone detailing

Bay Study 1 – Typology 1 Top

Bay Study 2 – Typology 3 Top

Bay Study 3 – Typology 3 Top

Bay Study 4 – Typology 2 Middle

Bay Study 5 – Entrance

Material Palette

View along Crossland Road, looking west