Emerging Proposals

Artists’ impression of the view looking west down Crossland Road

Thoughtful design

Our emerging design proposals for new homes at Mill Lane are guided by a series of key principles:

Thoughtfully designed, sustainable development

Creation of ‘healthy homes’

Regeneration of under-used brownfield site

Community centred, outward facing development

Our proposed development has been designed from the ground up:

To reinforce the frontage along Mill Lane and the Inner Distribution Road (IDR)

To incorporate active ground floor uses and residential accommodation above

To create generous landscaped public realm along Mill Lane, providing a safer and more pleasant environment

To deliver new landscaped courtyards to the south for the benefit of residents and the wider community

Cutaway impression of the ground floor uses in the development

Artists’ impression of the view looking west down Mill Lane

We want the building to stand out as an attractive, locally distinctive and thoughtfully designed development which welcomes people into the centre of town.

The building’s massing and appearance has been carefully crafted to reflect the character of the surrounding area, being located between the more urban town centre, and the London Road Conservation Area.

The material palette for the building facades has been informed by both JLP’s history in the town and the neighbouring conservation area.


To sensitively address the site’s proximity to the London Street Conservation Area, nearby heritage views and following engagement with Reading Borough Council’s officers, the building has been scaled back so it is in keeping with the Oracle car park at its tallest point.

The building is stepped so that its highest point is located at the western end of the site, further away from the sensitive Conservation Area. Similarly, the tallest components of the building face onto Mill Lane rather than Crossland Road,

The material palette for the building facades has been informed by both JLP’s history in the town and the neighbouring conservation area.


Our evolving proposals are being guided by key principles set out by the John Lewis Partnership’s sustainability framework.

The detail of the internal spaces and the landscape has been led by the concept of biophilic design, to enhance the focus on nature and wellbeing and to connect residents with the natural environment.

  • Aim to divert 100% of demolition waste from landfill and reusing materials where possible
  • Applying circular economy principles to all existing materials
  • Undertaking whole life carbon analysis on the scheme to understand how the building will perform when constructed